August 11, 2010

USA 2010 Itinerary

Sorry to have abandoned the blog of late, but i've been busy planning my USA trip for this September.

Here's the proof:

September/October - AUS Invasion:

14 - Arrive NY - late
15 - Find Stu Spasm / Something called Night Train @ Motor City Bar
16 - Super Wild Horses @ Cameo Bar
17 - Go to Coney Island, eat ice cream / WEEN @ Rumsey Playfield
18 - NY-->Philly - Cheesesteaks
19 - Phillies vs Washington Nationals / Gentleman Jesse & Strange Boys @ Kung Fu Neck Tie
20 - $1 beer at Khyber Bar / UV, Total Control & Pissed Jeans @ The OX
21 - Philly --> Memphis 
22 - Goner
23 - Goner
24 - Goner
25 - Goner
26 - Goner
27 - Hanging around Memphis/Texas/New Orleans
28 - Hanging around Memphis/Texas/New Orleans
29 - Hanging around Memphis/Texas/New Orleans
30 - Hanging around Memphis/Texas/New Orleans
1 - Hanging around Memphis/Texas/New Orleans
2 - KANS-ASS! Scion Garage Festivale
3 - Git the fuck outta KANS-ASS!
4 - Hope to be closing in on NY - Hopefully see a Yankee's game- that they lose!
5 - Git on the plane to go home!
6 - Flyin' on the plane, loaded
7 - Land in Melbz, might have to go to work that day!

So if you are from any of these locales and want to go to some record stores or chug beer, get in touch. I'd be keen for any tips too! 

Also, if you're looking for some good tunes download this Greg Oblivian guest host spot on some radio station from Oh Robot blog:

It's really good, key tracks: Geno Washington - You Got Me Hummin' and Dave Bartholomew - The Monkey